Leap of Faith


About 660 days...give or take a few.🤔

That’s how many days we were all living life separately from each other. We had made the decision to take on a new adventure by opening a fitness studio. In another state! With work commitments, my husband was only able to come up on weekends... and he did....EVERY WEEKEND. He didn’t fly - he made the drive! Five hours after work on a Friday just to turn around and do the same drive on Sunday nights.

INSANE.  I know. We knew we needed to create a steady stream of income for our fam since both of our professions are anything but steady...and we couldn’t afford to do it in Los Angeles.

So many of the impromptu day-to-day life moments were missed in those 2.5 years, and it’s time we will never get back. I remember how unnatural it felt to watch the boys say goodbye to their dad on a Sunday night (instead of good night) ... as he drove off in the dark of night because he knew he wouldn’t be missing too much if he drove when they were sleeping.

But that’s how the Martnutts do things... BIG! We knew we had to take a giant leap of faith and take some big action if we had big dreams for our family’s future. (Olympic dreams are not cheap.)

Although that adventure didn’t work out as we planned, what did come out of it was far more rewarding, even if we couldn’t see it at the time, and we couldn’t get any of those missed memories back.

As I followed the moving truck home, I could have easily sat in “despair and defeated mode”. Instead, like the truck, I was fueled up and ready to roll.  I told myself, “I will not be the road block in my life, I will be the road map”. I could have easily been my own obstacle, standing in my way. I decided to dream bigger, design and envision my life down to the last detail and then cultivate action towards it. Every day.

I have done that every day since. 
You can’t “wing it” if you have big plans...my vision was huge! College funds, Olympic training camps, debt free, retirement, travel, setting up savings for the twins...WOW...   Mamas, you get it.  All we want to do is give our babies the world.  I did my first vision board and got to work laying the foundation of those dreams.

I am creating this life on purpose WITH PURPOSE... and building a strong beautiful team of warrior women to build their dreams for their families as well - not to build someone else’s dream.

Even more so now, I am grateful that I am in control of how I get to build my future. This pandemic has affected thousands, because it has taken away freedom, financial stability, convenience, connections and so much more.

At some point, we will return to the old familiar routine.  Only, do we want to?
Do we want to go back and do it the same way?
Wouldn’t we still be the victim? Just under different circumstances?

Come join me, if you want to build the life you want to live. Yes, there is hard work involved, but it goes toward your dream, not someone else’s dream. You get to chose.  Isn’t that peace of mind worth everything?

Connect with me and let’s get busy building.




May - Where Did You Go?


Non-Scale Victories