Failing Forward

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Hi Friends! 

If you are like me, right about this time of year you may be asking yourself "Where has the time gone?"

We find ourselves back to "the grind" of juggling school, (now that looks different this year, right?) and balancing our attention to our family, work and school commitments. Heaven forbid we try to add in any "mom" time for ourselves!  Sheesh!  It's seems very overwhelming, yet here we are...again.  

Somehow I convinced myself that we were on one long summer break during this pandemic.  So much so, that my boys didn't have the "usual" back to school necessities because Mom was in denial that school time was upon us.  I LOOOVE Summer vacation...and all things summer related! So yup...there I was at Target on the first day of school rummaging through the bottom of the bins for pencils, erasers and red pens!  Yup.  Mother of the Year! 

As I was standing at the checkout line, I thought "Boy, I messed that up". I didn't write down the first day of school and I wasn't prepared.  So, it was no  surprise that I would be back at Target scraping the barrel 4 days after the first day! 

What did I expect?

My point? PLAN!

Failing Forward basically means, it's ok that I dropped the ball, but now I know better.  What do we learn from that mistake? What will I do better next time?  How will I be better prepared? What can I change?  These are simple questions to ask in any area of our life where we feel like "ugh, I failed"..or "I failed..them".  It's ok sista! That's how we learn, by doing! 

I took out my list of paper and began to write (or scribble).  I wrote all of my goals for the week, all of my "to do" lists, the boys "I need"  lists, our meals, and any items we need to make our next week a success.  How easy it is to "get out of practice" of being organized!  It is a practice. It's not something we are all born with.  The more we do it, the better we get at it! It was also nice to let it slip a little over the summer! That's what summers are for...letting go of the routine and enjoying those lazy days of summer, right?

But here's the deal friends...we all feel the chaos and uncertainty, especially right now.  Some of us have lost income and jobs during this pandemic.  Some of us are adjusting to new demands, new lifestyles, new careers, new agenda new cities,…but how can we move forward if we don't know where we are going? 

The holidays will be here in a snap!  Adding another pound (or 2) of chaos into the mix.  Let's get organized, let's get our mind right and align it with action. 

Mama's we KNOW we will be standing in front of our closets before that holiday party WISHING we would have started working on ourselves 3 months ago!  It’s not just about the scale my friends, it’s the mindset. Because when we stand in front of that closet and wish we would have gotten a grip on our health sooner,  the dissapointment sets in and then here comes the punishment we inflict on ourselves.  We self sabotage. “Well what difference does it make now?” we say. Then we have this horrible voice in our head creating limiting beliefs for us. "I can't", "I'm not worth it" and the list goes on. 

I have been there!  I don't ever want to be there again! So what do we need to do?


Execution is the only way through the mess, or it will run us over! 

Ya with me? 

xo L

Be Bold. Be Intentional. Be Balanced.

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Run it out! Maybe....🤔


What's for Dinner?