Oh EFF Yeah I did!

Oh yeah- You bet I did!!

Rolling around on a beach in Cabo, channeling my ElleMcPherson-thanks babe @ericmartsolf💋for that reference😉-without a care, or worry, about any of the eyes that were giving me the judgemental stare down. 🤷🏻‍♀️

At 54 it’s hard.
It’s hard to look good, it’s hard to feel good, it’s hard to lose the weight, it’s hard to feel confident, it’s hard to feel young, it’s hard to feel sexy. It’s EFFING hard. Period.


Hard, challenging perhaps but not impossible.

It may take you one try, or it may take 100 tries. In my case, it was four years of trying to figure out what worked for my body during this next chapter of life.

“Mad Cow Disease” or “Mrs. Pause” is no joke! This is where we have to throw out the old and rewrite the new. Nope. Those tactics that worked at 30’s and 40’s have outgrown their stay. They are all used up! Now we have to reconfigure and it’s a doozy. I will never tell you…it’s too hard to try. Or that it’s impossible to ever feel fabulous again.

I am here to tell you, and to SHOW you, WHAT IS POSSIBLE ✨When you have a tribe.
✨When you have supplementation that works.
✨When you have a consistent routine. ✨When you have a mindset that doesn’t allow you the room to quit…because “it’s too hard”.

… and when you do finally figure it out, and your hard work pays off, ANNND…your struttin on the beach, or poolside, or at the grocery store, or around your cul-de-sac,…those people with the judgmental stares better look the EFFFF out! 🥂.
I’m struttin in circles baby!

I have no intention of quitting, or slowing down, so who’s coming with me?


What’s Your Super Power?