What’s Your Super Power?

Growing up sucks. In some ways.

I remember I couldn’t wait to become an adult, because I thought it would be the freedom to do, get, and live however I wanted and I wouldn’t have a care in the world. Some of that is true, but when we are younger we don’t realize that with that power comes great responsibility. Responsibility to be a well adjusted, functioning, contributors to this world, but also to ourselves.

We have only ourselves to blame if we aren’t happy in our adult lives, in our jobs, in our relationships, the weight we’ve gained, the circle we run with or the dreams we let go of.

Ouch. It falls on us. That’s a tough one to face at times.

We. We are responsible.

But on the flip side, we also hold the power to CHANGE and recreate the new path as well.

One of my “mama worries” is how will my boys go off on their own next year and still be protected under my mama wings? How will they balance their nutrition to support their goals? Will Chic A Filet win out over mom’s voice? ( Before driving, they never had fast food! Not on my watch!) How will they stay laser focused on the Olympic size dreams they currently hold for their future? Or will the distractions of girls, parties, and life as a young adults be more enticing and influential?

As parents, we have always tried to have a “lessons” for our boys, buffered with the physical examples of what we were trying to teach. More of a lead by example, not because “I said so”, approach.

For example, Nutrition. Why it’s important to make wise lifestyle choices and how to use food as fuel not comfort. Exercise-Why it’s more about the internal health advantages that are unseen by our physical eye, and the benefits both in short and long term rewards. and The sculpted, strong, lean muscles are simply an added bonus of a daily sweat sesh .

But as we grow older, our outlook and priorities change, we can almost feel the anxiousness of “beating” the clock. Passing the 50 year old threshold was a tough one for me but once I got past it I realized I had such a super power within me. To ignore it would be foolish. Knowledge.

I needed to learn how to make this older, 3.0 version work the way I wanted to it, instead of settling or reacting to it. I wanted to drive the car! While I may not be able to stop aging and stop time… I am going to put up one helluva fight along the way.

When you gain knowledge your are loading your super power arsenal. You are equipping yourself with the tools and weapons to fight.

So let’s channel our inner GI Jane every step of the way!

Cheerin for you



Oh EFF Yeah I did!


When you quit, you lose.