When you quit, you lose.

What can I do?
Where do I begin?

2 questions I get on repeat frequently.
I wish I could tell you something different. Almost as if there is some 🪄magical reveal I will share from my own journey.

Nope. But if you find the magic pill or secret sauce- PLEASE SHARE WITH ME! 😂

However, I can give you 3 ways to create a strong start- the rest of the timing is up to you.

1. Be realistic.
Ex. If you have an event coming up soon and losing weight is your primary focus- don’t wait and cram 15 workouts a week and starve yourself to try and reach that goal “in time”. Seriously- nothing good will come of that approach. Find what will work for your body, in the time frame you have, within the schedule you keep. Even after the event comes and goes.. then you are well on your way for the next big soiree! Also if you have bad knees don’t try to take up running! There are plenty of options for movement. (Hint: your biggest changes come from the kitchen)

2. Be CONSISTENT. You can’t show up on the days you feel like it. Or just do a “little bit” because you just aren’t in the mood. Rain, shine, life throws shizzz at you, the kids have thrown your schedule off… whatever- make the time, carve it out. Big changes require daily focus and intentional action. Showing up some of the time will only give some of the results. Lose the excuses, find the path.

3. Be Patient. Once we get our head in the game and really decide to make changes, we expect our bodies and health to follow just as quickly. It would be great if we could snap our fingers when make the initial decision and the body follow with the same speed😂#genieblink

It took you time to get to the place you are now-it will take you time to get where you want to be.

Know you will hit road bumps, face challenges and moments when you want to quit.


Cheerin for you!



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