Let’s Talk About SEX…

Let’s talk about sex…the opposite sex that is. Ok, ladies so let’s pretend for a moment we are sitting in a quiet corner of a bar dishing all things girlie. The conversation will most likely take a turn towards the men in our lives , the things they do, why we love them and what makes us tick…and that’s where things can really heat up.

I can say I am 100% biased when it comes to my own man. In my opinion, he is charming, sweet, talented, gorgeous, funny, protective, loyal and SEXY AF. I often catch myself staring at him when he is doing the simplest of things. The light weathered lines of time on his face, the splash of salt and pepper hair in his beard, and simply the shift from the boy I met to the seasoned man he encompasses now, all adds up on the sexy meter to me. Do you agree, the best is when our guys are doing the “unsexy” things? Like installing yard lighting, paint touch ups, or trimming the backyard privacy hedges with the gas powered hedge trimmer…am I right? The smell of gasoline and the glistening of a man’s sweat on his chest…??? Annnnd let’s talk about their man hands! Yup, personally, I'm a sucker for big, strong hands and my man’s got em’!

Phew. 🔥🔥🔥 But ,what I am really getting at, is why do men age sexy AF and we just get “older”? 😡 It really isn’t far with all the women endure physically throughout our life’s journey that Mother Nature has to add just one more dig! They just keep getting better and better, like a fine wine. 🍷 I didn’t fully understand that adage before!

Possibly, it could go back to Aristotle-he understood a man’s peak value. Peak Value for women was 18, men 37. Why? Because male “value” is accumulated. Women’s peak value was instant attraction and child bearing. If a man found us attractive and we were the prime age for baby making…then it’s on like Donkey Kong! Men however, their prime years are 36-50. Why? Aristotle claimed most of man’s value comes from his resources, not aesthetics. But if they’ve got both….JACKPOT! Look at Hugh Hefner, 90 years old with 20, 30, 40 year old women.????🤷‍♀️ Needless to say, if we as women find both, we’re blessed! Saying men age “like a fine wine” is only icing on the cake. Either way…CHEERS to the men in our lives! 🥂

So what can we do? If you have been following me for a while, you know I coach women toward living their best life. From the inside out. From mindset to the foods we eat. Choices we make, to finding new pathways and solutions at every stage of life. I coach differently now because of my own personal journey. I used to coach women through burpees….now, not so much! HA!! You can thank me later! Don’t get me wrong, movement will always be at the top of my list! Everything good awaits us on the other side of a sweat sesh! More on that in another email.

So far, the most challenging stage of life for me was the “messy middle”. Losing control over my “dancer body”that I lived in and LOVED for so many years. Learning what to eat, what not to eat, learning how to eat and how to move for the body I was in, and toward the one I wanted to create. (Cardio used to be my only go to!Not anymore.) Navigating the ugly and very unsexy Mrs. Pause (yes, I coined menopause with a better name..PAUSE)-because that is what I had to do. PAUSE, shift, pivot and reconfigure the next chapter..MY way. Not the way society says I’d have to suck it up and “let it happen naturally”. F*ck that!

We don’t have to feel unattractive or unsexy within ourselves.
We don’t have to settle for the bulges, bat wings and Esther (if you ever watched Wanda Sykes-you know who Esther is !;) Click and watch HERE if you don’t know!!~! It’s fantastic and spot on!

Here is what I believe and what I have come to understand:

~We don’t have to grow into a diagnosis simply because our age says so.

~If we can prevent or prolong…it’s up to us to learn , implement and do whatever it takes, if we want it badly enough.

~To learn what we don’t know to evolve into the person we know we can be.

~Look at Helen Mirren. Sophia Loren. Catherine Deneuve. Jane Fonda. Jane Seymour. Sexy begins with our mindset…so let’s begin there.

xo Cheers🥂



When you quit, you lose.


To resolution or not resolution…