To resolution or not resolution…

Happy New Years Eve!

Can you believe we are 2023? I think I say that every year? Most of us say we can’t believe it’s ________ because the time flies so fast. Maybe that’s because we are just existing instead of living presently??? Hmmmmm.

If you have been around with me for awhile, then you know that I don't believe anything magical happens on January 1st. The "resolutions" you write down on that paper for your new year goals, should be your EVERYDAY goals. Meaning you are taking action every day toward that goal on your paper. Compound effect.

However let me clear up a thought...I LOVE a fresh new year. I love the idea that we "get" to start over and start clean. (Honestly, we can do that every Monday, or every Month") Something feels magical on January 1st. Almost a cleansing feeling. A rebirth if you will...

THAT is the feeling I want you to keep. That is the "in state" feeling that you need to feel when you take action. How do you get "in state" ? There is a vessel of energy that lives inside you at all times and that you can tap into that resource at any time. That vessel of energy is the "motivation" that you are waiting for, to start. You get to draw it out each day. Motivation is the feeling, but feelings come and go. We need something more reliable.

One of my musts-every day is personal development. Either, book, podcast, journal...BUT PD only works if you put it into ACTION, instead of reading the words on paper.

Personal Development is a way to RIGHT our minds. A way to inspire us, a way to remind us that we can create any type of growth with the right TOOLS and systems. It's a way to clear and minimize negative self talk. For those of you who attend church you might resonate with this, (my dad was an assisting minister-so I get this idea well!). When you attend a sermon, you feel lifted up. You feel inspired. You feel like you can face and tackle anything. But, you live out each week, the same. Nothing really changes. You attend each week to fill your cup in hopes that something miraculous will show up in your week. When you leave Sunday sermon and the week progresses, the energetic feeling you had begins to fade. Action is not implemented, therefore the results are the same. So, back you go to fill up your arsenal again. And the cycle repeats. Still waiting. (Ps. I am not talking about faith-that’s a different ball game!)

Similar to PD, that is your Sunday Sermon, if you will. When you are implementing growth each day into your life, with everyday tools and systems you are constantly elevating. Constant growth-You are reaching higher standards, living with intent, and maximizing your time.

So do I believe in something magical happens on January 1st? Nope.

I do believe the magic lives in YOU 365 days a year. If January 1st reignites you to make the necessary changes to live the life you were meant too...then I am all for it!

We must change our standards and habits or they remain wishes on the New Years Eve resolutions paper.

So let’s wave that magical wand everyday! You already have the magic of January 1st inside of you!


Happy New Year!



Let’s Talk About SEX…

