This is 50..something.

33 to 53.

Ok, it’s time to have the conversation…

This past week I had a couple of chats with women. There is a distinct correlation between aging and women. How we feel about it, how it holds us back, how it should look and feel. Even for some, how it cripples us from living our best most fabulous life. Because we think it’s supposed to be unsexy, dull, and only meant for the “young”. Like we’re supposed to be done with living. UGH.

I have heard “oh I used to be like… and Oh, I couldn’t do that now”…more than I’d like this past week. It sucks. The conversation and feelings around aging has to change. Don’t even get me started on the hormone journey! That’s another conversation! ;)

The best years are right now and in front of us. Look at how much more you know now, than before. Look at your accomplishments and milestones. And for some, of you, you’ve managed to raise your tribe through it all. Sheesh, it gets such a bad wrap. And I am speaking from experience! I am totally guilt ! Nothing major, just coasting, and existing in the shadows (quietly) until one day I saw myself in the mirror and said

“Who the fuck is that!!!!!” ( seriously)

I always assumed I would look, feel and even think like that rockin 30 year old!

Until I didn’t.

Ugh what a journey. Let me say, I am not special, nor do I have some secrets or magic that makes it seem easier for me to age than the next 53 year old. I just learned some tricks…(like a dog, HA! )or shall I say, I learned some new habits. This is exactly why I am coaching women. To do the same, to change the narrative. To help you become a greater and higher influence to yourself and those around you. To empower you to see your worth and remember the vibrant, sexy, fulfilled, woman you are.  Turning your  "I cant’s” into "I can," and helping you come to the  realization that you possess the power all along Because the best years are NOT behind us…they lie right here, right now and in front of us.

Our minds have the power to create and manifest what we focus on. What you focus your energy on…magnifies.

I thought I would repost this introduction about me in hopes it inspires you to take action. Because Action moves us through Fear.

Always cheering for you…xo L

To read my story Click Here.




It’s about Damn Time…”