It’s about Damn Time…”

Love me some Lizzo! Between Lizzo and Beyonce lately-Those diva’s have been my “go to” inspo in Garage Grind lately! Besides the infectious dance grooves, I love the MEGADOSE of “self worth” and “power” those ladies deposit into us. A message they remind us that we all possess but sometimes forget.

Seasons look different at each stage of life, as they should. “Busy” takes on a different feel and demand of our focus. When my boys were little, “busy“ meant, me… being inventive and creative for their active minds,(think cruise director ;)) tiring them out and keeping them from shoving stuff up there noses all day! Seriously! And at the end of the day…I was the one who could barely remember my name!

We have we had a whirlwind of seasons! With an unplanned spring move, summer bombarding us with WP tournaments, running right into fall and junior year, a new tour for the hubs…there is a lot going on! Not wishing it away… just new beginnings, again.

I used to attack every season of my life with the same speed and momentum. Then would feel guilty if something “slipped” or I would make some silly absent minded choices that I wouldn’t normally choose. I would operate in Full Throttle mode, instead of present mode, and resist the fact that something always has to give.

Having both boys newly driving this summer, gave me a new perspective. That new freedom they gained is my countdown. They will be out on in the world, on their own in 2 years possibly. Both at the same time. Running at that speed, it is inevitable, I would miss the important moments while busy “forging” ahead. I was creating the season for myself of winding up flipping through pictures, of memories in my photos instead of living through it in the present.

So like Seasons, during one of our most challenging one, I made conscious choices this spring to let the season flow, receive what comes up. To let go of what doesn’t work for me in the current season and stop trying to “make all things work”. Without guilt. Learning not to attach self worth to the outcome. To be present, at all times, good or bad. Easy or hard. Choose your hard, right?

Some seasons require more brain work, others more rest. But each season is beautifully unique and not wishing it away is the real gem, in my opinion.

Sure as we know each season will come each quarter, change comes with it. It’s how we choose to navigate through it that matters.

My newest mantras….

Persist and Pivot.

Release and Revisit.

Hope they help you too!

xo L


This is 50..something.


Just in time for that New Years Resolution!