Too Much Time on My Hands


I'm not sure I have ever heard someone complaining about too much time on her or his  hands..usually its the opposite. 

What I have learned on my own personal journey is that TIME everything! 

No, I didn't "drink the Kool Aid" until a few years ago and what a time saver, time blocking really does for you. 

Here's a general guideline that helped me!

1.  Carve out the time in your day WHEN you will take the action you need to and WRITE IT DOWN.
Time management will get you ahead of the curve and you’ll find out that you can complete more tasks in the day than you expect. Seriously!  And I hear you out there. I hear you saying that you’re carrying the weight of the WORLD on your shoulders. 

What would you do with an extra hour in the day?

2.  Put EVERYTHING in a planner.  It is much easier to follow when we see our activities on paper than in our heads.  No winging it! 
We all have SO much more time than we think!  I like to remind myself that Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez have the same 24 hours I do:)

  • When you manage your time, you make more things in your life possible. You’re literally building your life the way YOU want to.

  • When your plans change, and your day plan is written down, you can make good decisions about what to shift around until later, or drop it completely.

  • It forces you to think about what you have to give up in exchange for the new "fire" that came up. Hint: most fires aren’t fires!

*Tip: Print out 30 pages from this planner I created for each month and place them in a spiral notebook for easy access and so that you can take your planner with you anywhere.  Office Depot or Staples will do it for a small cost. 


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