Just Don't Feel Like It?

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Someone dm’d me and said “Don’t you get tired of working out everyday? “⠀

Truth? Sure! There are days I don’t feel like it, or had “one too many” the night before or have a jam packed day and struggling to fit it in... or simply....just don’t feel like it. Because I have developed the habit of working out.. I feel off when I don’t. ⠀

I’m human. I’m a busy mom of twin boys, I am a wife, I run a household, a business, tend to 3 dogs..blah blah blah... we all have busy lives.. and that is exactly “WHY” I make the time to do it. ⠀

I can’t afford not too. When my cup is empty, or my health isn’t stable... EVERYONE suffers. Without it.. I wouldn’t be able to keep up.⠀

Moms- let’s face it...if we don’t “run” well...our house doesn’t run well and the ship gets a little rocky .. right? 💁🏻‍♀️⠀

Besides the obvious:⠀
Better sleep🌜⠀
Keeping weight in check or weight loss🍨⠀
Maintains (a big one for me at 51!) and increases muscle tone💪🏻⠀
Boosts Energy💃🏻⠀
Reduces chronic illness🤮⠀
Lowers blood pressure ❤️⠀
Boosts mood👏🏻⠀
Increases cardiovascular productivity⛹🏻‍♀️⠀
Improves overall quality of life💝⠀
Builds confidence ( especially in a 👙)😂⠀

These are only some of the benefits and there are more to add...but the 3 other people in this pic are at the core of my WHY. 💕⠀

I have a lot more living to do... with this crew💕 ⠀

You ready to join me in July? Biggest sale of the year is almost over. What’s your why? ⠀




We All Have a Story


Too Much Time on My Hands