We All Have a Story


Hey you...what's your story?📚⠀

Through my experiences coaching women to "rewrite their story"...I often hear..."but I don't have one to begin with". ⠀

Yes, you do sista! We all have a story. Just like our bodies, stories come in all shapes and sizes complete with battle wounds, victories and unfinished chapters. ⠀

I hear stories of:⠀

💛Stories of how creating new daily habits gave them a structure and purpose when they felt lost.⠀

💛Stores of how there was once was desperation and loneliness and now there is a sweat sista crew lifting them up out of the trenches. ⠀

💛Stories of how helping other people and impacting a positive change in someone else's life gave them the peace of mind to know their credit card wouldn't be declined at the store to buy groceries or diapers. ⠀

💛Stories of how once they once felt abandoned, unheard, invisible, afraid is now a story of empowerment, love, visibility and "heard". ⠀

It's not easy to begin, but it's possible. Sharing our story is step one in setting the process of change in motion. Once it's out, time for action. Studies show that once you share your goals out loud with someone you are more likely to reach them as you are now ...accountable. You have eyes (of support) on you, and now in a mindset of driven dedication to making that thought a reality. ⠀

The more we share, the more we extend the branch of hope that 's it's possible to rewrite our story..at any time. ⠀
The more we share, the more we encourage others to share their story as well. The more we share, the more we realize we are not alone. ⠀

Someone is waiting to hear yours...💛⠀




Self Care and Self Love


Just Don't Feel Like It?