Self Care and Self Love

Self care is more than just massages and manicures. Don't get me wrong! I am all about a pamper session! But let's talk about what you "settle for". I know, it's a tough topic. Too often my conversations with women begin with "But...." Taking care of ourselves has deeper value than the 2-week life span of a manicure.

Last week, I posted on my IG about self love and how easy it is to put ourselves last on the list.

I am so thankful for the community I serve, the tools I have access to, and my business, because it forces ME to level up in my own life first. ⠀

Here's what I have learned...

Only when you have "had it" with where you are, will you find the strength to change.

No one else's morning routine will serve you - only the one you create.

Personal development looks different for everyone, it only matters how you indulge.

No one can sweat for you. Only YOU can schedule it in and push play.

No one will show up on your door, groceries in hand ready to cook you and your family dinner.

No one will tuck you into bed at a reasonable hour, no one will track your water intake and no one will stop you from the mindless scrolling or the hours of Netflix you consume.

Mapping out, scheduling and planning your day, week and even month will add value to your life. FAILURE TO PLAN, translates "I plan to fail:. The gain is in the journey and the process..this is where we "fail forward" and make the necessary changes to take better care of ourselves.


If it doesn't serve you, remove it.

If it doesn't align with your goals, change the action NOT the goals.

How do you want to feel?

How do you want to feel and where do you want to BE at the end of these next 6 months? (look how fast we got to JULY!)

What is the one thing you keep saying " I wish or If only..."" (Fill in the blank)

You ready get to work? No one will come and hand it to you sista! ⠀

"Ten Years from now, make sure you can say that you CHOSE your life, you didn't settle for it".



#sundaylove #sundayrestday #rmomlife #plannermom #sundaychill #alignyourmind #restandrecharge


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