Lisa Martsolf - supporting women through fifties and beyond - small group support

Raving Fans Tell All

As a health, wellness and fitness transformational coach, nothing means more to me than when my clients tell me I'm making an impact and that they see their hard work is paying off.

But don’t just take my word….

Here, my gals tell all!

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Real Women Real Life Real Changes

Lisa Martsolf - Client transformations and testimonials

Client Testimonials

“I’m down 34 pounds today and am so thankful that I’ve had Lisa’s help and support along the way. Sometimes, you just need to ask for help!”

“I listened to one of Lisa’s posts today and sat down after lunch to figure out what my goals are for the next 3 months. The amazing thing about this is while I’m sitting here planning, I’m seeing the light in the months to come. When I first got back in touch with Lisa, I was a sobbing mess. I didn’t realize I was a mess until had a one on one with her. Life was overwhelming. I was just going through the motions to get through the day. When we broke it all down, I was unhealthy and feeling terrible, overwhelmed with the stress of having not completed our 2021 taxes. I was thinking that if I were to die of a heart attack because of being 250.8 pounds (the heaviest I’ve ever been in my entire life) that I’d leave my husband scrambling to try make sense of the mess I’d left him with because I didn’t take the time to organize my business taxes and he wouldn’t know where to start. It’s crazy what the last 3 months have done for me after joining this group and working one on one with Lisa. My taxes were completed before the end of November. Lisa recommended to a have woman’s panel done to check levels of hormones and a number of other things. My numbers were off, so that prompted a biopsy, which I believe came back okay. I’m waiting for two other tests and then the doctor and I will have a plan of what to do next. It may just be I’m post menopausal and am lacking some hormones. So, if you haven’t done bloodwork in a long time, please ask your doctor to order a women’s blood panel. Anyway, Lisa recommended a great workout program that for the first time in my life I love. I’m on a healthy eating plan, tracking my macros and giving me control to make healthy choices. I’m down 34 pounds today and am so thankful that I’ve had Lisa’s help and support along the way. Sometimes, you just need to ask for help! Now, back to the light I was seeing in the months to come.......I went month by month and wrote down just my weight loss goals for each month and I can finally see my goals are within reach. I figure I can lose 10 pounds per month or possibly a little more and by the time May comes, I will be closer to my 160 pound goal. It’s taken a lot of hard work, dedication, organizing my life and finding the time in the day for just me, but it all can be done. For those of you struggling, you can do it! You just need to break things down and take a look at all the moving pieces.”

Lisa Martsolf - Client transformations and real results

“Being motivational without being preachy isn't always easy, but Lisa's true zest for life and desire to help others always shines through.”

“Inspiring, positive, and genuine, Lisa has a way of igniting the passion we all have inside us that the stresses of our daily lives can sometimes smother. Being motivational without being preachy isn't always easy, but Lisa's true zest for life and desire to help others always shines through. Whether it's getting organized, getting into better shape, or pursuing a better way of life, she always has solid advice and realistic tips and resources to back it up. I have worked with Lisa in the past to help gain control of my diet, energy, and exercise plan, and I look forward to working with her in the future for help with creating more positive habits in my everyday life.”

- Jessica Wick

Lisa Martsolf - Client before and after
Lisa Martsolf - Client love and support

“Just want you to know how much all of your wisdom and coaching has meant to me and will continue to mean to me!!”

“Sweet!!!…can I tell you how happy my heart is to have my coach Lisa back 💜💜💜💜 Absolutely adore you as a person and as a coach I have the utmost respect for you!! You know your shit, you don’t treat me with kid gloves and you tell it like it is!! I never stepped away from working out, but something has been missing and it’s this sisterhood, the small intimate group that I needed back. It’s lit a new fire under my ass and it could not have come at a better time!!! Just want you to know how much all of your wisdom and coaching has meant to me and will continue to mean to me!! So much love Lisa”

- Jennie Boersen

“Lisa will not only guide you but will challenge you to be the best version of YOU.”

As a client of Lisa's for almost 4 years, her confidence inspires me to be more confident in myself. As a busy, small business owner momma, I really look to Lisa to gain knowledge from her experiences and resourcefulness in the wellness industry. She has helped me create weekly fitness and daily work/home routines, further strengthen my gratitude practices and learn better nutritional habits. Her energy is infectious, enthusiastic and FUN! She isn't afraid to take chances and invites everyone to strive for better. Lisa will not only guide, but will challenge you to be the best version of YOU. She is authentic, compassionate, patient and supportive...she helps celebrate your successes and always has your back. Most importantly, she LISTENS and understands what your individual needs may be. THANK YOU Lisa for all you do to encourage and inspire me! XOXO

- Molly B.

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